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I want to keep this extremely short and limited to my favorite items I've used during pregnancy, birth and postpartum. If there is one thing I've learned during these few short weeks of being a mom, it's that NOBODY'S BIRTH, POSTPARTUM, BABY or PARENTING experiences are the same! There is absolutely NO.ROOM. for judgement here! I simply want to be a source of just a few things I've loved in my very personal experience. That being said, I want to list a few resources I've found helpful especially since COVID is still going on, and attending any class in person isn't an option. I hope to provide a helpful list of pregnancy, hospital, and postpartum "must-haves." Keeping these short and sweet since what works for me may not work for you!


Favorite Book:

- I found this book easy to read and understand. Each chapter consists of topics that have been bulleted making it easy to digest. Being pregnant and trying to take in ALL the information can be SO OVERWHELMING! This book helped break it down in a way I could easily understand.

Newborn Course:

- I can't recommend this course enough! I've loved the newborn class so much that I will most likely buy the 3-4 Month E-Book and the 5-25 Month Course as Collins approaches each age. Cara's way of teaching is SO comforting with zero unrealistic expectations!

Birthing Class:

- Honestly, the only reason I chose this class was because they were offering it free due to COVID so I signed up for it. I wouldn't say it was anything ground breaking, but Rob and I both feel like we walked away learning something we hadn't already known.

Breastfeeding Class:

-I googled a class that had good reviews and came up with this one. Again, I'd say there wasn't anything necessarily ground breaking in this course but I'm glad I took it!


Let me start by telling you that the hospital has literally EVERYTHING you need! Truly the only thing you really have to pack is yours and your babies coming home outfits! However, here are a few things we are glad we brought with us!

  • extension cord

  • extra long cell phone charger

  • night light

  • pillows (you and hubby)

  • Make sure your pillowcases are colorful (not white) so they don't get mixed up with the hospital pillows.

  • extra blanket for hubby

  • snacks

  • button up pjs

  • robe

  • house shoes

  • small table top mirror

  • going home outfit (for you and baby)

  • hospital door hanger

  • command hook in case hospital doesn't have a hook

  • paint pen to write in date, weight etc..

  • birth playlist - whatever your mood is, create a playlist to have playing during labor.


This a list of my personal favorites. These are bras, tanks, sweats, undies etc. that I used the moment we got home and continue using today! I also want to take a moment to tell my birth experience since I think that makes a difference on why I like certain items. I had a vaginal birth with a second degree tear. I was induced and technically in labor for around 15 hours (although when do you really start counting?) Once I was 10cm dilated I pushed for an hour until Collins was born. I feel like I had a great birth and recovery!

**Click on the photos to shop**

High waisted undies - everyone says to embrace the mesh undies but they weren't for me... I embraced them for about as long as I was in the hospital and then they had to go! I LOVE the way these feel. (and I just used large pads rather than adult diapers)

Nursing bras - I love both styles.

Nursing Tanks- Practically all I wear. Size up in the Target tanks.

Sweat pants- I LIVE in sweat pants! These have been my go-to's.

PJs- I love a pretty pair of pjs but let me just tell you now, get allllll the button up tops/gowns! If you plan to breastfeed you're going to want easy access.

Belly Band- I've been a fan of this band + it has great reviews on Amazon! It comes with three attachments that you slowly build up to wearing throughout postpartum.

Haakaa - I had no clue what a Haakaa even was, but ALL of my mama friends recommended it. It serves at a manual pump and is a great introduction to pumping.

Lactation Cookies- A delicious way to help with your milk supply! I really do feel like these helped!

Robe/Cardigan/Sweater- I seriously live in my nursing bras or tanks with a pair of sweats or leggings. I'll throw on a robe or cardigan and it makes me feel like I at least got semi ready for the day! Linking a few favorites! **this is the only section where I've linked similar products. All other linked items have been exactly what I use**

If you know of any mama's to be out there that would benefit from this blog please feel free to share!





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